Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have been working on the "challenge" I asked the local electrician if he could put his rubbish in a box and he kindly left it for me to pick up. I spent the next few days pulling bits apart it was truly cathartic as awful things were happening in my life. Well the "studio" began to encroach on the House as a whole. I was though amazed at the shapes and intricacies which were inside the pieces so decided to photograph them. Then realised how many "faces" there were: It was then that complications set in...my friend Trish would have found the solution out of the problem very rapidly, her skill is to set herself a difficult task and then see it through to the end. I tend to set the bar considerably lower...well I made a book and covers out of the switch plates I now think that the whole book idea may become a "book in a box"....who knows I have one more day to make my decisions...oh what a dilemma!I did however make a bag out of beads and electic wire .


Valerianna said...

Really love the faces.... and the bag is pretty awesome, too!

Ro Bruhn said...

Good to see you back on line again Jan, what a fabulous stash, I love the faces, can't wait to see the book you make. Maybe the piano parts might act as a hinge mechanism, just a thought. Your wire bag makes a great fashion statement.