Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I have soved a difficult space problem, and in so doing I possibly have one of the most extravagent and expensive work tables.
I am afraid and ashamed to admit it has more use in the last few months in this capacity than that for which it was made.
I did play some Bach the other day and was amazed that I still could! (Glen Gould need have no fear! )

My dear friend Jo (Mystory) came yesterday and we saw the film 'Seraphine' a beautiful film for people interested in painting, however it left us a little sombre for the rest of the day.

However she had made me a lovely book


Jo works so very meticulously, and cerebrally, but the result still has a spontanaeity.

All around the inner city are some wonderful paintings on the wall. Fitzroy has some beauties, here are some closeups of the textures.

These artists work on such a large scale, and yet often with very fine detail .


jo horswill said...

Hi Janette, I'm still thinking about Seraphine...

Love all you Fitzroy textures...great inspiration for a series here :)

mansuetude said...

looks great, all that texture. I bet the piano is enthralled to have so much attention on it.. made me think of J. Pollock....