Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I was doing some monoprinting today and then took 2 photos of the plastic I used.
I then played in "Paint" very elementary stuff but great colours.
Other people sit at the computer and play "patience" !? The danger of course is that you can spend more time here than in the studio...


HeartFire said...

Fabulous colors and abstracts!

Jacky said...

Much more fun that Solitaire.

Jacky xox

Jeane Myers said...

Jeanette!!, these are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore this - and yes, how right you are; computers can detract from studio time but playing of any sort reaps benefits I believe.

HeartFire said...

Oh, I just love my computer, I consider it just another "medium" in which to create!!

Ro Bruhn said...

Psychedelic mushrooms, wow are these the magic kind. Love all of your wonderful colour.

San said...

The element of surprise in monoprinting is fun. And what you've done with your plastic plates in Paint on the computer takes surprise to the next level. And then some.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Very fun stuff. The computer is a type of studio for some folks.