Sunday, April 26, 2009


What a pretentious name for a post.
I have been so very happy doing "stuff" and getting ready for the auction of my house next Saturday and then I received a huge punch in the solar plexus (metaphorically) from a part of the family and it is so wasteful and sad.
Anyway I thought I might post some of the "day photos" Jo (Mystory) and I have been in its second year.
Also the rug for the family who were in the fires, is progressing...slowly.... so if you would like to contribute a square it would be great

As Jo and I are drawing for one of the days of our week and it is due tomorrow (we made it Monday as we would have plenty of time.......) I have to do a drawing now.

It is such a good discipline.

Next time I must update on my last art class so terrific the book I made was a hit!

I am not sure however if I will be able to furnish requests for more......thank God there is our "stuff "to do. It seems it matters little how hard you try in emotional matters you often strike out, but with art you plod on knowing there will be a little breakthrough just around the corner. A bit like golf!

We are fortunate.


Anonymous said...

I haven't forgotten about the squares - must get something off to you. Sad to hear about family upsets (I take it that is what it was). They are so debilitating and always leave me shaky and flat. Enjoy your art, and I hope the auction goes OK.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I can be put off kilter by family emotional issues too. It takes me a while to get back to center, and art seems to be the path. That and a good nights sleep, and perhaps a nice glass of wine….I hope you have a good result from your auction!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

P. S. I like your new header!

Ro Bruhn said...

Good luck with the auction Janette. Family sometimes have a way of breaking our contented bubble, but luckily we have art to help us bounce back. Hope things work out OK. Love your new header too.

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

These photos are remarkable and what is truly remarkable is your ongoing art with Jo and your art group. Everything else seems to come and go but art, art is always.
Good luck with your home auction.

HeartFire said...

Hi Janette, those are great colors for that rug, will be interesting to see it together. and the photos are great too, all that art and color helps paint over the upsets in our lives... good luck on your auction - does that mean a sale of art of household things? surely not selling your house...
Can't wait to see the book you made.

Janette Kearns Wilson said...

Thankyou as always, it is wonderful having support from our sorority, it is true as I said to Leslie that art is a solace but I think that I am so lucky that I can make "art" instead of "mischief"
Heartfire I am selling the house and moving to the inner city I am excited about the change.

Jeane Myers said...

aaaaarrrrrrgggggg!!!!!!!!!!!! families - the hardest thing we do in life! - but, your art is just wonderful!

MiM said...

beautiful artwork as always, good luck with the auction xxx