Sunday, January 18, 2009

View from the window

I have always loved the idea of views from windows.
When visiting artists come from overseas they often begin with the most astonishingly beautiful visions of their house or studio, set in wonderful surroundings.
Well I live on a corner block in a city and the collage following is the view from all the windows in my house.
Not bad for a city ?
It is always what I wanted , a city house that felt like the country!

I have framed this Matisse inspired "view from the window".

I think I will begin a series or as Joan Schulz prefers..".a set of variations".

I had a little foray into pastels and I really like them...this is my first adventure.

We have a lovely lady called Mary who is in our art class and she does some exciting work and is a great evangel for the medium.

This is a view of the studio with a picture I did of a door, which holds similar magic to a window and the beginning of an Alaskan inspired picture.

My friend Cathie brought back fabuluos photos and videos from their trip last year.

1 comment:

jo horswill said...

Janette, I just love your window have a beautiful garden.
Your Matisse inspired piece looks wonderful.
And just look at your pastel! Wow The background colours are stunning, reminds me of "Margaret O"
You have been doing Jo